Falling in Love is Easy Having Sex is Even Easier

A human mind is a wandering mind, and a wandering mind is an unhappy mind. The ability to think about what is not happening is a cognitive achievement that comes at an emotional cost.

No two people are perfect match by nature. It's absolutely normal for you to feel difficult sometimes, especially when you find a number of big differences between you and your partner. But that does not mean you are not compatible with your partner necessarily.

There're also a number of very important factors which determine for how long your relationship can last. Below are the signs for reference for you to see whether you and your partner are compatible.

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You don't question the love in your relationship

You know you love your partner, and you know they love you – and there is no doubt in your mind about either of these things. You are secure and happy in your relationship, and even if you are a worrier by nature, you never question how your partner feels about you.

You know things about each other no-one else does

From your embarrassing stories to intimate details about your life, sharing secrets can show how compatible you and your partner really are. Honesty is important in a relationship, but actually wishing to tell them secrets shows your partner that you are truly invested in the relationship.

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You don't want to change him/her

You respect your partner as an individual, and you don't want to try to change them. Sure, they may talk in their sleep or dress in a way you don't like, but you love them, and you can deal with it. If you want to change your partner's personality or appearance, it could mean you and your partner aren't compatible.

You don't enjoy spending time apart

When you start a great relationship, it can be hard to step away and spend some time alone. If you and your partner hope to be in a long term relationship, however, it is essential that you also enjoy spending time away from your partner. During such time you can see friends and family, or pursue interests of your own. If you love yoga and your partner hates it, try to take a class in your spare time!

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You share common interests

While it is important to have your own hobbies and interests, compatible partners make the effort to spend time together doing things they both enjoy. Having common ground with a partner helps in long term relationships – from supporting the same team, to cooking together, to sharing a love of the same TV show.

You don't fight with each other

And you're not afraid of it! If you tell your partner you disagree with them, they should listen to you and take you seriously. If they still don't agree with you, that's totally fine – because it's just a disagreement, and it won't change the way you feel about each other.

You want to work out serious problems

Often big issues can be raised in long term relationships, including money, religion, or where you both live. Most issues like these can be solved if the partners are compatible and are willing to compromise. It is important to work together until you reach a decision you're both happy with – and for both people to be happy, it is likely that both have to compromise.

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Your partner makes you want to be a better person

Although this sounds like a cliché, compatible couples keep pushing each other forward. Whether you are learning how to cook a new dish, or getting a promotion at work, your partner should always have your back and support you, and vice versa.

Disclaimer: The information on this POST is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional advice. The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this article is for general information purposes / educational purposes only, and to ensure discussion or debate.

Thank you …You can both imagine a future together

While you don't need to be picking out wedding invites, it is always useful to be on the same page as your partner. Having different interests isn't a problem; your partner could love travelling and you could aspire to get married and have children, and you can do both. But if your partner doesn't want to talk about a future together, it might be that you have different expectations from the relationship.

You can be yourself around your partner

If you and your partner are compatible, you should be able to truly be yourself whenever you are around them. Whether you feel happy, hyper, sad or angry, you should be able to comfortably express these emotions to your partner, without worrying about the consequences.

You're attracted to each other

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While sex obviously isn't everything, it's important to be physically intimate with your partner. From holding hands to kissing, compatible couples regularly show each other affection. In other words – there should be a spark, even if it is small!

You try to get along with each other's families

If you genuinely love your partner's family, that's a great sign. Being in love with someone doesn't always have to mean you love their family, though. And it's fine if you don't – but it isn't fine if you don't even try. Most people come with a family, and if your partner is going to be in your life for a long time, their family probably will be too.

You keep your relationship fresh

Everyone in the world is ageing, but that doesn't mean their relationships have to age, too. Often work, having children and other responsibilities can side-line your relationship. These responsibilities are important and shouldn't be neglected, but put aside some time to focus on your partner. Your relationship should always feel important.

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You make the effort

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Whether you and your partner have been together for 9 months or 9 years, it is always important to make an effort, from cooking classes to a kiss at the end of the day. After a long time together it can feel like these things are no longer necessary, but this could leave your partner unhappy.

Compatible couples often go the extra mile as it shows their partner they care, and can help to make them feel appreciated.

Your friends and family know them well

If you're in a great relationship, you should be excited to show your partner off around your friends and family. It also shows they are actively involved in your life, which is a great sign for a happy relationship. If the people you are close to haven't met your partner, ask yourself who's to blame for this; your partner, you, or the people you are close to?

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We often hear people talk about the importance of living in the present and the different ways it will benefit us. It all sounds wonderful, especially the lower levels of stress and anxiety, but how exactly can we live in the moment when our mind is constantly worrying about the past or plans for the future?

We'll discuss some of the benefits of living in the moment you may not be aware of. Then, we'll look at some of the obstacles and why we worry. Finally, and most importantly, I'll show you how to live in the moment and stop worrying using some simple practices that you can easily incorporate into your busy schedule.

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The human mind is imaginative. Our mind wanders for almost 12 hours a day on average..] Whether you are a nostalgic or a dreamer, your wandering mind never rests. It brings you back to the good old memories or brings you to far off dreamy fantasies: the days when you were a little kid with nothing to worry about or the day you will finally retire from work to enjoy life.

But sooner or later, you will realize that a gap which can't be bridged exists between what we think and what is our current reality. This cruel truth always makes us unhappy with the reality we are in. And the more we partake in letting our minds wander, the larger this gap becomes.


Source: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/falling-love-easyhaving-sex-even-easier-bumping-someone-dayal-ram

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